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BinHex arrives for the Newton! Finally we can encode and decode standard BinHex files. Don’t get your hopes up, it does not support compression like .zip or .sit. What this product will give you is the ability to get any binary off and on the Newton safely. A picture or a sound or a streamed object can be BinHex’d and transferred to the desktop or Internet safely. BinHexer works flawlessly with Tibet photos, Notepad sounds, ViewFrame, and Newton Works documents. Actually, Newton Works is required as a go-between for the new BinHex’d document. What appears on the desktop are industry standard files such as AIFF-C sound files, AU sound files, PICT image files, PICT resources, ICON resources, and NTK stream files.
As an example of how powerful a binary transfer utility this is, here are all of the Magic Pointers in NOS 2.1 turned into Stream files that can be used by NTK. Also courtesy of BinHexer, here are 200+ pictures and icons that occur on the 2.1 ROM. And some sounds. And some pictures as Mac resources. BinHexer can transfer an entire song onto your Newton like an MP3 player. MP3 files must be converted to AIFF, µ-Law, or GSM format first.
Download a 14 day trial copy here (45 kB .sit.hqx file) and the required Translator here.
To purchase a password, check the ordering page. The price is US$20
New with version 1.1: